Perkin Elmer Clarus 480, 580 and 680 GC's​
For over three decades the Chromperfect data system has offered unparalleled choice for customers who demand a “best of breed” solution, allowing the widest choice in Chromatography instrumentation. The launch of a dedicated driver for the Clarus range continues the tradition and offers full instrument and autosampler control of Perkin Elmer’s flagship GC’s.
Perkin Elmer family of Clarus GC instruments
Clarus 680 GC
Designed for fast-paced, high-volume laboratories that need to speed up analytical cycle times. It maximizes throughput with the fastest injection-to-injection time of any conventional Gas Chromatograph.
Clarus 580 GC
Meets the needs of facilities that require a rugged, high-quality instrument that provides accurate and efficient performance day after day, while being extremely user-friendly.
Clarus 480 GC
Developed in response to the strong demand for reliable, world-class GC technology in budget-conscious laboratories. Meets diverse application requirements without sacrificing performance.
Instrument and autosampler control
Chromperfect fully controls both the Clarus instrument and autosampler
Common editor for fast and intuitive method development
Fully automated sequences with individual instrument settings for each run
Serial connection to Perkin Elmer Clarus GC’s.
Systems available for single instruments, multiple instruments or client server installation
Common user interface
Chromperfect continues to support both new and legacy chromatography instrumentation, on the same PC, with a common user interface. This means that laboratories can continue to use older instruments which have been obsoleted by other software systems. Chromperfect saves time and money for staff training costs as the systen can be interfaced with ANY instrument and provide a standard throughout the lab.